Zoladex and Erythema Nodosum

Hello friends and family!

First, let me apologize for taking so long to update. Some crazy things have happened since my last update. Let’s talk about the good first.

About 10 or so days ago, I had my two week check in with my surgeon. All is well! I am healing well and everything looks symmetrical (if you know what I mean lol!). In terms of my surgery, she gave me a clean bill of health. On another note, a few days before, I managed to sprain my ankle doing something very stupid. I was not allowed to lift heavy things, so I was kicking and pushing things with my foot to get chores done. So, during the visit, I had my surgeon check to make sure it was just a sprained ankle and not a blood clot. She confirmed it and so I left the hospital walking on sunshine. A few days later, I visited my oncologist and got my Zoladex injection. This shot actually helps protect a woman’s ovaries during chemo and radiation. Another child may just be in the future for us after all! 🙂

So now the bad news…

What I thought was a sprained ankle was actually erythema nodosum. Now if you’re like me, you’re going “what the what?” Family, let me tell you, this is one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. After the surgeon appointment, I kept waking up with painful bruises. I asked my surgeon if she was sure I didn’t have blood cuts. She assured me that blood clots don’t look like bruises. When I saw the oncologist to get my Zoladex shot, I had her look at the bruises. She told me that they were not ordinary bruises and that I needed to see a dermatologist ASAP. The bruises were red and raised and extremely painful. When I walked, it felt like my leg was shattering in a thousand pieces with each step. And that’s not all. Every day from 1-7 p.m., I would have the worst chills, and would lay under two blankets with a heating pad. My house was 76 degrees! At night my legs would be on fire, and I’d be sweating so hard that it was like I had just run 5 miles.

The dermatologist confirmed that I had erythema nodosum and also did a biopsy for extra confirmation. She suggested I started taking Aleve and keep my legs moisturized. I didn’t think the Aleve would work that well, but it actually kicked booty. The bruises were covering all my lower legs and after one Aleve, they started to clear up. My chills decreased from 6 hours to 2 hours. And I’m not as hot at night anymore. I’ve had this for 2 weeks now and it’s supposed to clear up within 3-6 weeks. *sigh* I wish it was 3 weeks already.

I’m on bed rest and can’t totally help with our baby girl. Hubby has had to pull double daddy duty taking care of both of us. It’s been driving me crazy wondering how I got this weird affliction. Luckily, I was able to have a conversation with another survivor and she told me she had the same thing happen to her during her fight. She reminded me that crazy scary things will happen during this time period because I am fighting for my life. I feel bad mostly for hubby because I know he’s tired. I am praying, taking Aleve and willing myself to heal. I refuse to let this happen to me again.

Other than that, life has been as consistent as it can be given the circumstances. We are eating healthier and trying to do more at home dates together to keep the sanity. We’ve been focusing on the positives vs. the negatives. Hubby and baby girl’s relationship is tighter than ever and that would have not happened if Hubby had not been allowed to take leave. Plus I got my Zoladex shot, ensuring the health of my ovaries. I will live! Everything else is just the water under the bridge. 6 months from now, I will be healthy and whole once again. 1 year from now, I will be thinking “why was I ever upset?”

Time will heal all wounds. 🙂

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